INSPIRE - INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe

The Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe is the initiative of the European Commission. The European Commission and Council directive of the same name aims at creating the European legislative framework needed to build a European spatial information infrastructure. It lays down general rules for the establishment of a European spatial data infrastructure, in particular to support environmental policies and policies affecting the environment. The main objective of INSPIRE is to provide more firt-rate and standardized spatial information for the formulation and implementation of Community policies at all levels of the Member States.

The following video provides a brief introduction of INSPIRE and what data it concerns:



Basic principles of INSPIRE
  • data collected and created once and managed at a level where it is the most efficient;
  • possibility to seamlessly combine spatial data from different sources and share them among many users and applications;
  • spatial data created at one level of government and shared with its other levels;
  • spatial data available under conditions that will not restrict their extensive use;
  • easier searching of available spatial data, evaluating the appropriateness of their use for the purpose, and making available information under which conditions these data can be used.


Representatives of the Czech Republic in the INSPIRE Committee

Jitka Faugnerová, CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency, inspire(at) a
Eva Kubátová, Ministry of the Interior, eva.kubatova(at)
Another contact person is Lenka Rejentová, CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency, inspire(at)





Oficiální evropské stránky INSPIRE The official European INSPIRE site
INSPIRE Roadmap The INSPIRE Roadmap for directive implementation.
EU geoportál The European INSPIRE Geoportal allows the search of spatial data sets and services of all EU Member States under the INSPIRE Directive.
Thematic Clusters The INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Platform is a European Commission initiative with the objective of supporting INSPIRE implementation in the Member States. The platform is divided into nine thematic domains, according to the INSPIRE themes. It is a single entry point for INSPIRE implementers and users to share experiences, best practices, raise questions and resolve issues in their thematic domains.
INSPIRE Registry

The INSPIRE Registry provides a central access point to a wide range of centrally controlled INSPIRE registers. The content of these registers is based on the INSPIRE directive, implementing rules and technical guidelines.

Fing your scope The Find Your Scope application supports data providers with identification of the INSPIRE spatial data themes and spatial object types that are relevant to the dataset(s) they administer. This application is foreseen to be useful especially in situations when datasets fall under two or more INSPIRE data themes.
INSPIRE knihovna The INSPIRE Library contain the most recent versions of the INSPIRE Legislation, Technical Guidance and Framework documents.
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