![]() Maps displayed at the National INSPIRE geo-portal are also available in the form of map services, which can be used in so-called thick clients (software applications) for further work with data. Map services are offered as standard WMS and are also available via SOAP services Esri ArcGIS Server. Both types of services have the same names and data display is visualized in the same. The highlighted services, in the list indicated in the columns on the right, include pre-arranged tiles to increase the performance of mapping services. Applies both for WMS, and the ArcGIS Server SOAP interface.
Map Services of the National INSPIRE Geoportal support standard WMS version 1.1.1. and 1.3.0. resp. INSPIRE View services based on standard WMS 1.3.0. The URL form for the WMS connection is: http://geoportal.gov.cz/ArcGIS/services/<adresar>/<nazev_sluzby>/MapServer/WMSServer All WMS service supports the following coordinate systems:
An example of a WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request: The above service request for color orthophoto in S-JTSK returns the following map cut: Tile services of the National INSPIRE Geoportal support standard WMTS version 1.0.0. The URL form for the WMTS connection is: http://geoportal.gov.cz/ArcGIS/rest/services/<adresar>/<nazev_sluzby>/MapServer/WMTS All WMTS services support coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG: 5514 and EPSG: 102067) and in addition to standardized KVP offers a simpler REST interface.
Example of Get Capabilities request on III. Military Mapping Survey service:
Example URL of specific tile:
Both request are equivalent and returns the same tile: To connect ESRI clients (such as ArcExplorer or ArcMap) the most simple method is to directly use SOAP services from the ArcGIS Server. They replace the IMS map services that were offered by an earlier version of ESRI map servers. When using free GIS viewer ArcExplorer proceed through the choice "Add Content", then select "GIS Services" in the drop-down menu in a new window that appears, select "ArcGIS Server". For connection information enter: http://geoportal.gov.cz/arcgis/services and click Next. In the next window, click on the directory CENIA, then a list of available services is displayed. If you select a WMS type of service in the drop-down menu, you can also use ArcExplorer to connect to WMS services.
Connecting a map service from ArcGIS Server in ArcMap: When choosing a data source, select "Add ArcGIS Server", then "Use GIS Services". Type a name from the ArcGIS Server in the connection dialog box http://geoportal.gov.cz/arcgis/services and click Finish. In the list of data sources will be added the item: "ArcGIS Server on geoportal.gov.cz ", select it and in the directory CENIA will be displayed a list of the available map services. | List of services
Basic web map services provided by National INSPIRE Geoportal. http://geoportal.gov.cz/ArcGIS/services/<adresar>/<nazev_sluzby>/MapServer/WMSServer
Web map services created for mandatory providers under the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive.
Web map services created within CENIA project activities.