Metadata catalogue of the National INSPIRE Geoportal contains metadata records published by the mandatory providers within the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the INSPIRE Directive. In this catalogue are also published metadata from departmental organization of the Ministry of the Environment. Complete alphabetical list of the metadata records published on the National INSPIRE Geoportal can be found on the page METADATA>METADATA OVERVIEW. A catalogue client is available on the page METADATA>SEARCH to search metadata on the geoportal. The client contains a large number of parameters by which you can refine your search. Basic search parameters:
a. Fulltext - full-text search across the metadata record. b. Title - searches only in the item "title" of metadata records. c. Abstract - searches only in the item "abstract" of metadata records. d. Lineage - searches only in the item "lineage" of metadata records.
Other search parameters: In addition to the above is also possible to search the metadata using other advanced parameters, such as the "Organization", "Keywords", etc.
Search results:
Metadata search results are displayed in the separate tab on the page METADATA>SEARCH. The tab includes metadata records selected according to the parameters setting. GEOPORTAL ČR - Search results are displayed in tab "GEOPORTÁL ČR", in brackets after the tab's name is indicated the number of retrieved records. When added another catalog (see View a predefined or custom service) search results are displayed also in this tab. If the catalog is active (connected) an icon of Globe Map - When mouse is over a specific metadata record the appropriate bounding rectangle is highlighted in the map window defining the spatial extent of the layer, if the layer has it defined. Vice versa when mouse is over a specific bounding rectangle in the map window it highlights relevant metadata record. Detail - After clicking on the selected metadata a detailed listing of this metadata record is displayed on the right side in the tab "Detail". Export of detail of metadata record to the PDF
Types of metadata records in the metadata catalogue:
The tab for adding custom catalogues on the page METADATA>SEARCH serves for one-time connection and is not used for adding catalogue to the geoportal.
Add your own catalog – after entering the name and URL of catalog service it can be viewed in the metadata browser (not used for adding it to the geoportal).
National INSPIRE Geoportal allows users to create metadata records for spatial data sets and services according to National and INSPIRE profile. Metadata records can be created directly through the metadata editor, or imported from an existing file, URL address or by importing from a URL service.
Metadata editor which can be found at the page METADATA>CREATE allows users to create metadata records for spatial data sets and services.
Items can be divided into mandatory, conditionally mandatory and optional:
Each item of metadata record contains icon
At the end of the form are functional buttons:
Metadata administration - registered users (with the role of provider) can store the metadata records in the Geoportal metadata catalog. Tools for the administration of metadata records are accessible to users in the section "MY". Metadata publication - logged in user with the role of provider has the possibility of metadata publication. Tools for metadata publication are accessible in the sections MY>DATA or MY>SERVICES. Metadata import is available in the right top of the metadata editor at the page METADATA>CREATE. 1. Link to metadata import Link to metadata import is available in the right top of the metadata editor.
2. Source selection For metadata import from XML file it is necessary to select "Source type" as standard "ISO 19139" and than in the field "File" select imported XML file saved on the local disc. For metadata import from service it is necessary to choose in the field "Source type" an appropriate service type "WMS", "WFS" or "CSW" and than in the field "URL" specify the address of the service. Import is confirmed by clicking on the button "OK". Experimental transformation of metadata from ISO 19139 (INSPIRE) format to Geo-DCAT format is available on the page METADATA>GeoDCAT. Experimental transformation of metadata from ISO 19139 (INSPIRE) format to Geo-DCAT format, which is designed for use in open data portals. After inserting the URL, or uploading metadata record stored as an XML file the tool conversts single record from ISO 19139 (INSPIRE) format to Geo-DCAT format.
Metadata Editor also includes a validation tool that enables you to validate created or existing metadata records against National and INSPIRE profile. On the page VALIDATE>METADATA AND SERVICES can be found independent validation tool that enables also validation of the web map services. INSPIRE View adn Download services WMS service, which you create on the map server is not the INSPIRE View service. In such services you must manually edit several items. To create INSPIRE View services you can use a sample service, that is fully compliant with INSPIRE.
Metadata editor of the National INSPIRE Geoportal enables control of the validity of the created metadata. 1. Using validation tool it is possible to verify whether the metadata to data and services are in accordance with the requirements of the selected metadata profile. 2. Clicking on the "Validation" report on the validation of currently filled form is shown above form of metadata editor. 3. Based on the validation the current form can be further edited. Validation result example:
Using validation tool you can check whether your metadata to data and services or your view and download services are in accordance with the technical requirements of INSPIRE. Validation of the metadata records 1. XML file - If you want to validate a metadata record of data or services, select "Type: Metadata" and the tab "File". Use the browse button to load the required file in XML format and click "Validate". 2. You can also validate a metadata record of data or service stored directly in your metadata catalogue. Select "Type: Metadata" and the tab "URL". Fill in the URL of your metadata record (individual metadata records in the catalogue are identified by UUID) and then click on "Validate". Validation of View (WMS), Download (WFS) and Discovery (CSW) services 1. You can validate a Capabilities file from your View, Download or Discovery service. In this case the validated service doesn't have to be running. In the menu select corresponding type of service and the tab "File". Use the browse button to load the file in XML format and then click "Validate". 2. If you want to validate a running View service (WMS), Download service (WFS) or Discovery service (CSW), select corresponding type of service and the tab "URL". Enter the URL of your service and then click on "Validate". Validation results The result of the validation is a list containing details on the completeness of completion of all of the items listed in the technical requirements of INSPIRE:
| Help includes instructions on how to work with different parts of the geoportal.