Unregistered user can register to the geoportal and gain access to other services. Registration page is available by clicking on the "Registration" button in the upper right part of the geoportal. The registration form is displayed where you must fill in the required fields in the red frame, enter verification code and confirm the agreement with the conditions of processing your personal data and click on "Register". After the registration is to the menu added an item MY, which includes tools for registered users. Section MY is intended only for registered and logged users.
A currently logged in user can change their personal information for their user accounts. They can enter all required information and click on "Change" if they want to save changes, or simply navigate to another portal page (e.g. back to the previous page).
Mandatory information – red framed (if not filled). Optional Information – grey framed. Furthermore, in the right part of the page are provided information on the organization of the user with options to change the settings, as well as a list of user roles that are assigned to him, information about my inclusion in groups and information about my group including list of users in the group. This functionality is accessible only to users in the role of provider.
This panel lists all the roles of the currently logged in user.
Displays a list of groups to which the user is assigned.
Groups can be managed by selected types of users (all besides the standard users and the EU). Users can share metadata and monitoring within groups. Any registered user can become a member of the group (including the standard user), the user can therefore gain access to the data that are shared within the group. Selected types of users (besides the standard users and the EU) can manage the group, it means to insert and remove members of the group. This functionality allows users to share records within groups and is used mainly for the management of datasets, service, map composition and e-shop. Information about the current inclusion of the user to the groups is indicated as a part of the user profile. For inclusion in the user group, contact the user of the group with administrator privileges (typically employee of a corresponding organization) and request access. Members can manage the group: view, add and remove members of the group. Users can be added by clicking on the "Add User". Dialog appears, where the user can enter email address of the another user whom he wants to add. The system verifies whether the email address exists, adds it to the group and the information message is sent to this email address. Removing user is possible by clicking on the icon Group member types:
Page PASSWORD is used to change the login password to the user account. Enter the old password and then the new password twice. The system immediately sends the changed password to the user email address.
The page "Discussion" serves registered users to communicate with the administrator of the Geoportal. This page contains a table "Discussions", where is an overview of all past discussions of the currently logged in user with the administrator. On the right side of the page is table for creation of new discussion topic.
The page "Datasets" allows authorized providers to manage metadata records of datasets published on the National INSPIRE Geoportal. Providers, who do not have their own infrastructure for web map service creation based on their spatial data, may also apply on this page for creation of the services through the infrastructure of the National INSPIRE Geoportal. Table "My Datasets Metadata" allows authorized users to create, store and manage metadata records of their datasets published on the National INSPIRE Geoportal. Form "My Dataset Metadata" is used for entering your datasets metadata into the geoportal. All data in the must be provided with metadata. If you do not have metadata for your dataset you can create it by using the metadata editor. Button "Selected records" - menu contains batch functions for setting parameters of selected records. Harvested records - all records harvested from connected metadata catalogues are grayed out in the table and in the field "Author" is indicated "Harvested". These records can not be edited. Metadata records created on the Geoportal - in the table are shown in black and on the right side of the table are icons for their management. Each record contains buttons for setting its parameters:
After selecting specific record a detail of the metadata record is shown in the bottom of the table. Icons On the right side of the page "My Datasets" is a form for data publication. This functionality is prepared for those mandatory data providers who do not have their own infrastructure for web map service publication. This form allows them to apply for creation of the services through the infrastructure of the National INSPIRE Geoportal.
Status of uploaded dataset: New - status after dataset upload, an information email is sent to administrator. In progress - dataset was downloaded by administrator, new map service with metadata record will be created. Ready - map service and metadata record are created. User can view map service using button Refused - administrator will adjust the map service and the request is switched again to the status "Ready". Approved - map service is ready for publication. Published - map service is published. In section "My>Services" in panel "Hosted services" will appear new record for hosted map service. Closed - map service is no longer published.
The page "Services" allows authorized providers to manage metadata records of their services published on the National INSPIRE Geoportal. This page also offers an overview of hosted services on the National INSPIRE Geoportal infrastructure. This table is used to enter and manage metadata of services in the geoportal. All services must be accompanied by metadata. This table has similar functionality as the table for datasets metadata management (see above). In addition this table contains also:
A table with list of hosted services serves to providers as an overview of all web map services, based on their data, created and run on the National INSPIRE Geoportal infrastructure.
In the section "My>Maps" are displayed all map compositions created by currently loged in user or shared by another user from the same group.
Table "My Maps" allows registered users to create, store and manage map compositions on the National INSPIRE Geoportal. This table provides similar functionality as the table in the section "My>Datasets" (see abovee). Map composition can be created in the map window of the geoportal. More information on map compositions can be found in the help section Maps "Creation of map compositions". Table "Publication requests" serves to send a request to publish map compositions. All requests are approved by the Geoportal administrator. In the right part of the section "My>Maps" is a list of map "Publication requests". Map composition can be published only by authenticated users in role of provider. Requests on map publication are managed in the table "My Maps" by a set of icons bellow:
Monitoring is an obligation under the Commission Decision 2009/442/ES. The content of this decision has been transposed into the Regulation 103/2010. In essence it is an inventory of spatial data and services provided within INSPIRE in the Czech Republic. Mandatory data providers must each year in the period from early January to late February submit the required indicators defined in Annex 2 of the Regulation 103/2010.
Monitoring reports can create and send only an authenticated user. How to become an authenticated user? Clicking on "
Report name - enter the name of the new record. Description - include a brief description of the statement (this information is optional). Year - indicates the year for which the monitoring is/was provided. Importovat - user can choose the option to import metadata from the options provided:
Organizace - choose from a list of organizations (available only when importing records from metadata). After confirmation a new record appears in the table "My monitoring". Table "My Monitoring" enables providers to manage the monitoring reports. Each monitoring record can be managed by functional icons next to each statement. Status of the record is important condition for the possibility of working with your statement.
Possible states of records in the reports table:
Edit Record
Used to complete the monitoring report for datasets. If you had already registered metadata for your data to the Geo-portal and you have chosen to create a new record by "Import from metadata" in the top left part of the form "Summary of data sets" you can select a particular data set and the system will automatically fill in some details for you in the" details of datasets " section. If you chose create a new record by "Do not import" or you wish to edit the information which was automatically filled in selecting the data set from the "Summary of data sets", you can manually edit the information in the " details of datasets " option.
List of datasets records contains two parts: 1. Table listing the reported datasets - each entry can be edited or deleted. 2. Form for creating or editing a datasets includes:
Used to complete the monitoring report for network services. If you had already registered metadata as a service to the Geo-portal, and you have chosen to create a new record by "Import from metadata" the left bottom of the form "Summary of network services", you can select a specific network service and the system will automatically fill in some of the details in the "details of network services". If you chose create a new record by "Do not import" or you wish to edit the information which was automatically filled in selecting the data set from the " Summary of network services ", you can manually edit the information in the " details of network services ".
List of network services contains two parts: 1. Table with a list of network services - each entry can be edited or deleted. 2. Form for creating or editing a network service includes:
List of datasets and network services can be exported as a CSV file. Make sure that all your edits were saved before returning to the list of monitoring reports.
| Help includes instructions on how to work with different parts of the geoportal.