INSPIRE directive
The INSPIRE Directive was published in the Journal on 25 April 2007 and entered into force on 15 May 2007. It forms the basis for the coordination mechanism needed to operate the infrastructure at European level.




Member States shall ensure that metadata are created for the spatial data sets and services corresponding to the themes listed in Annexes I, II and III, and that those metadata are kept up to date in accordance with Article 5 (1) of the INSPIRE Directive. The requirements for the creation and maintenance of this metadata are described in Regulation 1205/2008 and in the Technical Guidelines for metadata.


Implementing Rules
Technical Guidelines


Datasets in scope of INSPIRE are ones which come under one or more of the 34 spatial data themes set out in the INSPIRE Directive. Interoperability in INSPIRE means the possibility to combine spatial data and services from different sources across the European Community. Interoperability may be achieved by either changing (harmonising) and storing existing data sets or transforming them via services for publication in the INSPIRE infrastructure. The common data models, code lists, map layers and additional metadata on the interoperability to be used when exchanging spatial datasets are set out in the Interoperability and Technical Guidelines (Data Specification). While the Implementing Rules specify what must be implemented at an abstract and generic level, the non-binding Technical Guidelines specify how legal obligations could be implemented to maximise the cross-border and cross-thematic interoperability of INSPIRE spatial data sets and services as well as guaranteeing  interoperability with other sectors.

The following video provides a brief introduction of the INSPIRE data models:



Implementing Rules
Technical Guidelines


Network Services
INSPIRE Network Services specify common interfaces for web services (discovery services, view services, download services, transformation services, services allowing spatial data services to be invoked). Regulation 976/2009 and Technical Guidelines for network services provide the technical specifications for the network services necessary to implement the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive.


Implementing Rules
Technical Guidelines


Spatial Data Services
The interoperability of spatial data services is characterised by the capability to communicate, execute or transfer data among them. Therefore the spatial data services need to be further documented with additional metadata.


Implementing Rules
Technical Guidelines


Data and service sharing
Principles for sharing of spatial data sets and services between public authorities within and Member States, on the other hand, are contained directly in the Directive and Regulation 268/2010. The definition of the concrete measures to be implemented to this end is left to the responsibility of each Member State and is not within the scope of these implementing rules.In parallel with the definition of the formal Regulation, technical guidelines have been developed. They are intended as a document helping Member States to implement the Regulation on INSPIRE Data and Service Sharing, and also contain non binding instruments, such as model contracts, and illustrate related concepts such as framework agreements. A second supporting document provides examples of good practice related to sharing within and between Member States.
The main points of the Regulation are the following:
  • metadata must include the conditions applying to access and use for Community institutions and bodies;
  • member States are requested to provide access to spatial data sets and services without delay and at the latest within 20 days after receipt of a written request;
  • if data or services can be accessed under payment, Community institutions and bodies have the possibility to request Member States to provide information on how charges have been calculated;
  • while fully safe-guarding the right of Member States to limit sharing when this would compromise the course of justice, public security, national defence or international relations Member States are encouraged to find the means to still give access to sensitive data under restricted conditions, (e.g. providing generalized datasets) Upon request, Member States should give reasons for these limitations to sharing.


Implementing Rules
Guidelines and good practice documents


Monitoring & Reporting

According to the Commission Decision 2009/442/EC of 5 June 2009 implementing the INSPIRE Directive, EU Member States have to report annually a number of indicators for monitoring the implementation and use of their infrastructures for spatial information. The information provided includes a list of spatial data sets and services belonging to those infrastructures.
According to the same Decision, a report including  information on the coordinating structures, on the use of the infrastructure for spatial information, on data-sharing agreements and on the costs and benefits of implementing the INSPIRE Directive, is prepared and submitted every three years, starting in 2010.
The information reported for the Czech Republic can be found in the monitoring and reporting archive.


Templates and Guidelines



Oficiální evropské stránky INSPIRE The official European INSPIRE site
INSPIRE Roadmap The INSPIRE Roadmap for directive implementation.
EU geoportál The European INSPIRE Geoportal allows the search of spatial data sets and services of all EU Member States under the INSPIRE Directive.
Thematic Clusters The INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Platform is a European Commission initiative with the objective of supporting INSPIRE implementation in the Member States. The platform is divided into nine thematic domains, according to the INSPIRE themes. It is a single entry point for INSPIRE implementers and users to share experiences, best practices, raise questions and resolve issues in their thematic domains.
INSPIRE Registry

The INSPIRE Registry provides a central access point to a wide range of centrally controlled INSPIRE registers. The content of these registers is based on the INSPIRE directive, implementing rules and technical guidelines.

Fing your scope The Find Your Scope application supports data providers with identification of the INSPIRE spatial data themes and spatial object types that are relevant to the dataset(s) they administer. This application is foreseen to be useful especially in situations when datasets fall under two or more INSPIRE data themes.
INSPIRE knihovna The INSPIRE Library contain the most recent versions of the INSPIRE Legislation, Technical Guidance and Framework documents.
Related Activities




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