Priority Data Sets
INSPIRE Priority Data Sets is data that falls under one of the INPIRE themes (Annex III) and at the same time fulfills environmental reporting. These are thematic areas: Water, Air Quality & Noise, Nature & Biodiversity, Opades and Industry (Marine areas are not relevant to the Czech Republic). For these priority data metadata must be made available so that they can be directly viewed and downloaded. Priority data across Europe is clearly displayed in a new browser.
View the Priority Data Sets
You can view the Priority Data Sets using the Thematic Viewer application. The application clearly displays the Priority Data Sets for individual thematic areas within the EU. The source of this browser for the Czech Republic are the National Geoportal INSPIRE metadata published to the EU.
Priority Data Sets list and their providers for the Czech Republic

The tables show the list of priority data sets for the Czech Republic, divided by topic. A complete list with all the details (intended rather for the actual data provider) is here (version published on 28. 5. 2018).

Směrnice Reportingová povinnost Reportingová datová sada Identifikovaná datová sada Číselník Zodpovědná organizace
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a rady 2008/50/ES ze dne 21. května 2008 o kvalitě vnějšího ovzduší a čistším ovzduší pro Evropu (včetně implementace Rozhodnutí 2011/850/EU) 2011/850/EC, Art 6-14 gives full detail: information on zones & agglomerations, assessment regimes & methods, primary validated data and aggregated , attainment of objectives, source apportionments, air quality plans and measures, attainment year 1) AQ management zones & agglomeration AQ management zones and agglomerations Management zones and agglomerations (Air Quality Directive) MŽP (ČHMÚ)
2) AQ model areas AQ model areas (incl. assessment methods - models) Model areas (Air Quality Directive) MŽP (ČHMÚ)
3) AQ monitoring stations AQ monitoring stations (incl. assessment methods - measurements) Monitoring stations (Air Quality Directive) MŽP (ČHMÚ)
4) All AQ data (i.e. both measurement & modelling) associated with AQ monitoring stations AQ data Measurement and modelling data (Air Quality Directive) MŽP (ČHMÚ)
Směrnice Reportingová povinnost Reportingová datová sada Identifikovaná datová sada Číselník Zodpovědná organizace
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2002/49/ES ze dne 25. června 2002 o hodnocení a řízení hluku ve venkovním prostředí  Location of agglomerations, major airports and major roads/railways concerned by noise reduction measures in place 5) Major roads, railways and air transport network Major roads Major roads (Noise Directive) MZdr
Major railways Major railways (Noise Directive) MZdr
Major air transport Major air transport (Noise Directive) MZdr
6) Noise agglomerations Noise Agglomerations Agglomerations (Noise Directive) MZdr
7) Population Population Agglomerations - population (Noise Directive) MZdr
Population - densely populated built-up areas Population - densely populated built-up areas (Noise Directive) MZdr
Areas of noise exposure in agglomerations, major airports, major roads and major railways 8) Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units (strategic noise maps, noise restriction zones) Noise contour map for major roads - Lden Major roads noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for major roads - Lnight Major roads noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for major railways - Lden Major railways noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for major railways - Lnight Major railways noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for major airports - Lden Major airports noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for major airports -Lnight Major airports noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for road noise in agglomerations -Lden Agglomerations - roads noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for road noise in agglomerations -Lnight Agglomerations - roads noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for railway noise in agglomerations -Lden Agglomerations - railways noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for railway noise in agglomerations -Lnight Agglomerations - railways noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for aircraft noise in agglomerations -Lden Agglomerations - aircraft noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for aircraft noise in agglomerations -Lnight Agglomerations - aircraft noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for industrial noise in agglomerations -Lden Agglomerations - industrial noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map for industrial noise in agglomerations -Lnight Agglomerations - industrial noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map in agglomerations -Lden Agglomerations - noise exposure delineation day-evening-night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Noise contour map in agglomerations -Lnight Agglomerations - noise exposure delineation - night (Noise Directive) MZdr
Směrnice Reportingová povinnost Reportingová datová sada Identifikovaná datová sada Číselník Zodpovědná organizace
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2000/60/ES ze dne 23. října 2000, kterou se stanoví rámec pro činnost Společenství v oblasti vodní politiky Boundaries of river basin districts/catchments. Competent Authorities 9) Area which sets out the boundaries of RBD + Competent Authority for the RBD River basin district River basin districts (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
WFD Sub Unit River basin districts sub-units (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Location of water bodies and protected areas including information on pressures and risks 10) Location of water bodies WFD surface water body lake Lakes (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
WFD surface water body river Rivers (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
WFD groundwater body Groundwater body (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
River network River network (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
location of water bodies and protected areas including information on pressures and risks 11) Location of protected areas (Art 6 and 7) NiD nitrate vulnerable zones Nitrate vulnerable zones - nutrient sensitive areas (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
UWWTD Sensitive Areas Urban waste water sensitive areas - nutrient sensitive areas (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
BWD bathing sites Bathing waters - recreational waters (Water Framework Directive) SZÚ
Drinking water protected areas Drinking water protection areas (Water Framework Directive) SZÚ
Natura 2000 sites Water dependent Natura 2000 sites (Water Framework Directive) AOPK
WFD protected areas not reported under other directives - freswater fish designated watser Protection of economically significant aquatic species - freshwater fish designated waters (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
WFD protected areas not reported under other directives - other protected areas Other protected areas (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Location of monitoring stations 12) Monitoring stations associated to water bodies WFD Monitoring stations Monitoring stations (Water Framework Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2007/60/ES ze dne 23. října 2007 o vyhodnocování a zvládání povodňových rizik Areas of flood risk 13) Areas of Potential significant Flood Risk (APSFR) FD Areas of potential significant flood risk Areas of Potential significant flood risk (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
14) Spatial data of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) FD PFRA observed events Preliminary flood risk assessment - observed events (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
FD PFRA potential future events Preliminary flood risk assessment - potential future events (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Flood maps 15) Flooded areas FD Hazard areas low probability scenario Flood hazard areas low probability scenario (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
FD Hazard areas medium probability scenario Flood hazard areas medium probability scenario (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
FD Hazard area high probability scenario Flood hazard areas high probability scenario (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
16) Flood Risk Zones FD Flood risk zones low probability scenario Flood risk zones low probability scenario (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
FD Flood risk zones medium probability scenario Flood risk zones medium probability scenario (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
FD Flood risk zones high probability scenario Flood risk zones high probability scenario (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Boundaries of management units. Competent Authority 17) Management Units and Competent Authority FD Unit of management Management units (Floods Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Směrnice Rady 98/83/ES ze dne 3. listopadu 1998 o jakosti vody určené k lidské spotřebě Water supply zones and related monitoring information, attainment of limit values 20) DWD water supply zones Drinking water protection areas, supply zones, safeguard zones Large water supply zones (Drinking Water Directive) SZÚ
21) DWD (small) water supplies Small water supply zones (WSZ) Small water supply zones (Drinking Water Directive) SZÚ
Drinking water abstraction points Drinking water abstraction points (Drinking Water Directive) SZÚ
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2006/7/ES ze dne 15. února 2006 o řízení jakosti vod ke koupání a o zrušení směrnice 76/160/EHS Bathing water areas (beaches falling under the Directive) 22) BWD bathing areas BWD Bathing sites Bathing water sites (Bathing Water Directive) MŽP (VÚV), SZÚ
Směrnice Rady ze dne 21. května 1991 o čištění městských odpadních vod (91/271/EHS) Location of wastewater treatment plants, agglomerations, discharge points and sensitive areas 31) Location of UWWTD agglomerations UWWTD agglomerations Agglomerations (Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
32) Location of UWWTD plants UWWTD plants Urban waste-water treatment plants (Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
33) Location of discharge points linked to WFD water body UWWTD discharge points Discharge points to receiving waters (Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
34) Sensitive areas, less sensitive areas and catchements UWWTD Sensitive Areas Sensitive areas (Urban Waste-Water Treatment Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Směrnice Rady ze dne 12. prosince 1991 o ochraně vod před znečištěním dusičnany ze zemědělských zdrojů (91/676/EHS) Monitoring data written text 35) NiD monitoring stations NiD Monitoring stations Monitoring stations (Nitrates Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Datasets of vulnerable zones (if applicable: some MS have the whole territory, therefore no reporting is required) 36) NiD vulnerable zones NiD Nitrate vulnerable zones Nitrates vulnerable zones (Nitrates Directive) MŽP (VÚV)
Směrnice Reportingová povinnost Reportingová datová sada Identifikovaná datová sada Číselník Zodpovědná organizace
Směrnice Rady 92/43/EHS ze dne 21. května 1992 o ochraně přírodních stanovišť, volně žijících živočichů a planě rostoucích rostlin Habitat types and species distribution and range data (for the next round the range data will not be required anymore) 23) Biogeographical regions Biogeographical regions (pan-European dataset) Pan-European biogeographical regions (Habitats Directive) AOPK
24) Various habitat maps using INSPIRE geographical grid system Habitat types distribution Habitat types distribution (Habitats Directive) AOPK
Habitat types distribution sensitive Habitat types distribution - sensitive (Habitats Directive) AOPK
Habitat types range Habitat types range (Habitats Directive) AOPK
Species distribution Species distribution (Habitats Directive) AOPK
Species distribution sensitive Species distribution sensitive (Habitats Directive) AOPK
Species range Species range (Habitats Directive) AOPK
Boundaries of NATURA 2000 sites 25) Location of sites Natura 2000 sites Natura 2000 sites (Habitats Directive) AOPK
Národní legislativa 46) Biogeographical regions (national dataset) Biogeographical regions (national datasets) National biogeographical regions (Habitats Directive) AOPK
SMĚRNICE EVROPSKÉHO PARLAMENTU A RADY 2009/147/ES ze dne 30. listopadu 2009 o ochraně volně žijících ptáků Distribution map & range map (similar to Habitats Directive); (For the next round of reporting, the range map will not be required anymore.) 23) Biogeographical regions Biogeographical regions (pan-European dataset) Pan-European biogeographical regions (Birds Directive) AOPK
BIRDS distribution and range data (for the next round the range data will not be required anymore) 24) Various habitat maps using INSPIRE geographical grid system BIRDS distribution Bird species distribution (Birds Directive) AOPK
BIRDS distribution sensitive Bird species distribution - sensitive (Birds Directive) AOPK
BIRDS range Birds range (Birds Directive) AOPK
BIRDS range sensitive Birds range - sensitive (Birds Directive) AOPK
Boundaries of NATURA 2000 sites 25) Location of sites Natura 2000 sites Natura 2000 sites (Birds Directive) AOPK
Národní legislativa 46) Biogeographical regions (national dataset) Biogeographical regions (national datasets) National biogeographical regions (Birds Directive) AOPK
Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 1143/2014 ze dne 22. října 2014 o prevenci a regulaci zavlékání či vysazování a šíření invazních nepůvodních druhů Species distribution 26) Maps of distribution of species using INSPIRE grids Alien species distribution Invasive alien species distribution (Invasive Alien Species Directive) ?
EIONET Core Data Flow - Nationally designated areas Areas designated under national legislation for the purpose of nature protection including sites such as national parks and nature reserves. This reporting obligation is an Eionet core data flow. 45) Location of sites Nationally designated areas (CDDA) Nationally designated areas - CDDA AOPK
Industrial emissions
Směrnice Reportingová povinnost Reportingová datová sada Identifikovaná datová sada Číselník Zodpovědná organizace
Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 166/2006 ze dne 18. ledna 2006, kterým se zřizuje evropský registr úniků a přenosů znečišťujících látek a kterým se mění směrnice Rady 91/689/EHS a 96/61/ES List of facilities and related emissions data 27) Locations of facilities E-PRTR sites & facilities Sites and facilities (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) MŽP (CENIA)
28) Information related to actual pollutant releases E-PRTR emission data Actual pollutant releases (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) MŽP (CENIA)
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2010/75/EU ze dne 24. listopadu 2010 o průmyslových emisích (integrované prevenci a omezování znečištění (přepracované znění) List of installations, general information, contact information, competent authorities, and permit information 29) Location of industrial and agricultural installations falling under IED IED installations Installations (Industrial Emissions Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
Location of combustion plants 30) Location of combustion plants Combustion plants Large combustion plants (Industrial Emissions Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
47) Information related to actual pollutant releases IED/LCP emission data Emissions (Industrial Emissions Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
Doporučení Komise ze dne 22. ledna 2014 o minimálních zásadách pro průzkum a těžbu uhlovodíků (jako je plyn z břidlic) s použitím vysokoobjemového hydraulického štěpení (2014/70/EU) 40) Location of boreholes Boreholes for hydraulic fracturing Boreholes for hydraulic fracturing (Recommendation on hydraulic fracturing) ČBÚ
Industrial accidents
Směrnice Reportingová povinnost Reportingová datová sada Identifikovaná datová sada Číselník Zodpovědná organizace
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2012/18/EU ze dne 4. července 2012 o kontrole nebezpečí závažných havárií s přítomností nebezpečných látek a o změně a následném zrušení směrnice Rady 96/82/ES Location of and information on establishments 39) Location of establishments Seveso III location of establishment Establishments involving dangerous substances (SEVESO III Directive) ?
Směrnice Reportingová povinnost Reportingová datová sada Identifikovaná datová sada Číselník Zodpovědná organizace
Směrnice Rady 1999/31/ES ze dne 26. dubna 1999 o skládkách odpadů List of islands and isolated settlements that are exempted. 37) Location of islands and isolated settlements that are exempted Areas exemted from permission of dumping waste Exempted islands and isolated settlements (Landfill of Waste Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
48) Location of landfill of waste sites Location of landfill of waste sites Landfill of waste sites (Landfill of Waste Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2006/21/ES ze dne 15. března 2006 o nakládání s odpady z těžebního průmyslu a o změně směrnice 2004/35/ES Location of facilities (including exemptions) 38) Location of facilities Extractive waste facilities Facilities for managing extractive waste (Extractive Waste Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
Směrnice Rady ze dne 12. června 1986 o ochraně životního prostředí a zejména půdy při používání kalů z čistíren odpadních vod v zemědělství (86/278/EHS) Report on the use of sludge. Names and addresses of the recipients of the sludge. Place where the sludge is to be used. 42)Agricultural facilities receiving sludge Agricultural sludge receiving facilities Agricultural facilities receiving sludge (Sewage Sludge Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
43) Location of the agricultural sites where sludge is deposited Agricultural sludge deposit sites Agricultural sites where sludge is deposited (Sewage Sludge Directive) MŽP (CENIA)
Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2017/852 ze dne 17. května 2017 o rtuti a o zrušení nařízení (ES) č. 1102/2008 Information regarding mercury located in the MS territories. 44) Location of storage facilities Mercury storage facilities Mercury storage facilities (Mercury Regulation) ČBÚ

The whole codelist for the list of data sets relevant for environmental reporting that Member States should make available through the European Spatial Data Infrastructure (INSPIRE). Use this codelist to identify priority data in metadata.



Oficiální evropské stránky INSPIRE The official European INSPIRE site
INSPIRE Roadmap The INSPIRE Roadmap for directive implementation.
EU geoportál The European INSPIRE Geoportal allows the search of spatial data sets and services of all EU Member States under the INSPIRE Directive.
Thematic Clusters The INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Platform is a European Commission initiative with the objective of supporting INSPIRE implementation in the Member States. The platform is divided into nine thematic domains, according to the INSPIRE themes. It is a single entry point for INSPIRE implementers and users to share experiences, best practices, raise questions and resolve issues in their thematic domains.
INSPIRE Registry

The INSPIRE Registry provides a central access point to a wide range of centrally controlled INSPIRE registers. The content of these registers is based on the INSPIRE directive, implementing rules and technical guidelines.

Fing your scope The Find Your Scope application supports data providers with identification of the INSPIRE spatial data themes and spatial object types that are relevant to the dataset(s) they administer. This application is foreseen to be useful especially in situations when datasets fall under two or more INSPIRE data themes.
INSPIRE knihovna The INSPIRE Library contain the most recent versions of the INSPIRE Legislation, Technical Guidance and Framework documents.
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