Směrnice | Reportingová povinnost | Reportingová datová sada | Identifikovaná datová sada | Číselník | Zodpovědná organizace |
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2000/60/ES ze dne 23. října 2000, kterou se stanoví rámec pro činnost Společenství v oblasti vodní politiky | Boundaries of river basin districts/catchments. Competent Authorities | 9) Area which sets out the boundaries of RBD + Competent Authority for the RBD | River basin district | River basin districts (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
WFD Sub Unit | River basin districts sub-units (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Location of water bodies and protected areas including information on pressures and risks | 10) Location of water bodies | WFD surface water body lake | Lakes (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
WFD surface water body river | Rivers (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
WFD groundwater body | Groundwater body (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
River network | River network (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
location of water bodies and protected areas including information on pressures and risks | 11) Location of protected areas (Art 6 and 7) | NiD nitrate vulnerable zones | Nitrate vulnerable zones - nutrient sensitive areas (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
UWWTD Sensitive Areas | Urban waste water sensitive areas - nutrient sensitive areas (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
BWD bathing sites | Bathing waters - recreational waters (Water Framework Directive) | SZÚ |
Drinking water protected areas | Drinking water protection areas (Water Framework Directive) | SZÚ |
Natura 2000 sites | Water dependent Natura 2000 sites (Water Framework Directive) | AOPK |
WFD protected areas not reported under other directives - freswater fish designated watser | Protection of economically significant aquatic species - freshwater fish designated waters (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
WFD protected areas not reported under other directives - other protected areas | Other protected areas (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Location of monitoring stations | 12) Monitoring stations associated to water bodies | WFD Monitoring stations | Monitoring stations (Water Framework Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2007/60/ES ze dne 23. října 2007 o vyhodnocování a zvládání povodňových rizik | Areas of flood risk | 13) Areas of Potential significant Flood Risk (APSFR) | FD Areas of potential significant flood risk | Areas of Potential significant flood risk (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
14) Spatial data of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) | FD PFRA observed events | Preliminary flood risk assessment - observed events (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
FD PFRA potential future events | Preliminary flood risk assessment - potential future events (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Flood maps | 15) Flooded areas | FD Hazard areas low probability scenario | Flood hazard areas low probability scenario (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
FD Hazard areas medium probability scenario | Flood hazard areas medium probability scenario (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
FD Hazard area high probability scenario | Flood hazard areas high probability scenario (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
16) Flood Risk Zones | FD Flood risk zones low probability scenario | Flood risk zones low probability scenario (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
FD Flood risk zones medium probability scenario | Flood risk zones medium probability scenario (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
FD Flood risk zones high probability scenario | Flood risk zones high probability scenario (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Boundaries of management units. Competent Authority | 17) Management Units and Competent Authority | FD Unit of management | Management units (Floods Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Směrnice Rady 98/83/ES ze dne 3. listopadu 1998 o jakosti vody určené k lidské spotřebě | Water supply zones and related monitoring information, attainment of limit values | 20) DWD water supply zones | Drinking water protection areas, supply zones, safeguard zones | Large water supply zones (Drinking Water Directive) | SZÚ |
21) DWD (small) water supplies | Small water supply zones (WSZ) | Small water supply zones (Drinking Water Directive) | SZÚ |
Drinking water abstraction points | Drinking water abstraction points (Drinking Water Directive) | SZÚ |
Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2006/7/ES ze dne 15. února 2006 o řízení jakosti vod ke koupání a o zrušení směrnice 76/160/EHS | Bathing water areas (beaches falling under the Directive) | 22) BWD bathing areas | BWD Bathing sites | Bathing water sites (Bathing Water Directive) | MŽP (VÚV), SZÚ |
Směrnice Rady ze dne 21. května 1991 o čištění městských odpadních vod (91/271/EHS) | Location of wastewater treatment plants, agglomerations, discharge points and sensitive areas | 31) Location of UWWTD agglomerations | UWWTD agglomerations | Agglomerations (Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
32) Location of UWWTD plants | UWWTD plants | Urban waste-water treatment plants (Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
33) Location of discharge points linked to WFD water body | UWWTD discharge points | Discharge points to receiving waters (Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
34) Sensitive areas, less sensitive areas and catchements | UWWTD Sensitive Areas | Sensitive areas (Urban Waste-Water Treatment Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Směrnice Rady ze dne 12. prosince 1991 o ochraně vod před znečištěním dusičnany ze zemědělských zdrojů (91/676/EHS) | Monitoring data written text | 35) NiD monitoring stations | NiD Monitoring stations | Monitoring stations (Nitrates Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |
Datasets of vulnerable zones (if applicable: some MS have the whole territory, therefore no reporting is required) | 36) NiD vulnerable zones | NiD Nitrate vulnerable zones | Nitrates vulnerable zones (Nitrates Directive) | MŽP (VÚV) |